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"The World Health Organization estimates that 250 million people suffer from vitamin A deficiency, with babies and children at most risk of death or blindness" (


What is Gene Editing?

Gene editing is where some genes within an organism's DNA is modified in some various ways in order to benefit living beings on Earth. The use of genetically engineering an organism can ultimately be use to treat a certain disease or illness using bacteria to alter the gene of a food that one consumes and insert a different gene to prevent a specific pest from taking over the entirety of the plants.

The Genetic Engineering Process


The multi-step procedure of a genetically modified organism is through something called genetic engineering; where the genome of an organism is stated by scientist to have been altered.



Identify Trait

To identify a specific trait, a  combination of critical thinking and luck is needed to speed up the process.

Isolate Trait

By comparing genome with the trait and        without the trait, the former gene is then        present when the genetic trait is isolated.

Insert Trait

Bacteria are mainly use to copy the DNA   strand and under heat, bacteria are shocked to adjust to engineered plasmid. In this case, bacteria are use  as invaders source to put the desired trait to  the specie's genome.


After the long procedure, the altered  gene within the organism is in need to be keep under climate-controlled growth          chambers and daily check on so it will          keep growing and be use for later.

Crop Modification Techniques

Golden Rice

Vitamin A deficiency is a huge problem leading to the deaths of many children. The golden rice is a resource that obtains the vitamins needed for those in third world countries. With the fact that food in less forunate areas may not contain enough of the nutritions that is needed for the survivity of mankind, the golden rice was made to achieve the goal of providing more nutritions to the world.


Life Changing Technology of Gene Editing

The use of altering genes into genetically modified organism is greatly needed throughout one's lifetime. Genetic engineering crops is beneficial to provide more nutrition in food for those in third world countries, can help lessen pesticides on crops, and additionally can enable crops to grow even under extreme conditions. 


The Bigger Future of Genetic Modifying Crop 

Malnutrition is the cause of death for children up to around 2.6 million death each year; in which is 1/3 of child deaths around the world. This means that children in third world countries does not receive the needed nutrition for their body system to develop and result in them being stunted. With the help from genetic engineering crops that can provide much more nutrition than regular nourishment from field-grown crop to third world countries where such nutrition are not availableIn addition to the third world countries, the entire world's population is continuing and will keep rising rapidly. By focusing on more genetic modifying crops researches and innovations together with the ones already put to use; the hunger and malnutrition deficiency will lower and world population will be fed. 


The graph above indicates the vastly increasing population of mankind worldwide in a span of 150 years.

malnutrtion graph.jpg

The graph above provide an insight of third world countries of millions being undernourished from 1990- 2016. The numbers of undernourished is decreasing over the years however; it's still in the millions.


Genetic Modifying Crops Over The Years  


The table above signified the importance and plentiful amount of acres and hectares of gene edited crops over 20 years. The numbers increased tremendously, showing how much genetically modified crops are to the world.

Genetically Modified Crops

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